Albert Xu

Work experience / Technical writer

2022 June — Present

I author documentation on Data Science, Data Integration, and Application Development areas of the C3 AI Platform.

I created style guides and templates for various C3 AI applications. I’ve reviewed and edited some of C3 AI’s application documentation, like Reliability, Demand Forecasting, and Inventory Optimization.

I review UI strings on the C3 AI Platform. I also regularly suggest text enhancements and give feedback on error code messages.

AWS / Technical writer

2020 June — 2022 June

I wrote docs on various Amazon S3 products.

Some big projects I worked on were consolidating the previous 3 S3 guides into one, and replacing “AWS” with the entity “&AWS;” for S3 docs.

I also regularly met with product designers to give input on S3 product UI text. I met with product managers often to prepare for new product launches.

GigNow / Technical writer

2019 May — 2020 April

GigNow is a startup subsidiary of Ernst and Young (EY). I was the first technical writing intern turned contractor at GigNow.

I created a style guide for documentation at GigNow.

I published dozens of KB articles on how to use GigNow.

I provided bi-weekly release notes and emails for users detailing new features and functionalities in 2019-2020.


Authoring languages: XML, HTML, Markdown, LaTeX

Programming languages: C, C++, Python, Java, x86 Assembly, System Verilog, HTML, CSS, Javascript

Tools and Programs: svn, git, Github, Oxygen, Adobe Photoshop, Confluence, Jira, G Suite, Unix/command line, Snagit, VSCode, Zendesk, Figma

Soft Skills: Leadership, communication, project management, problem-solving, empathy

Languages: Native English and Native Chinese speaker


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

BS in Computer Engineering